Potential Drug Interactions in COVID-19 Patients with Comorbid Diseases

  • Lili Musnelina ISTN
  • Ainun Wulandari Fakultas Farmasi, ISTN
  • Ira Rianty Fakultas Farmasi, ISTN
Keywords: Comorbid, COVID-19, Drug interactions, Polypharmacy


The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a global pandemic that has persisted for a considerable period, presenting significant challenges in the management of patients with comorbidities. This study, conducted in 2021 at RSUD Jagakarsa, aimed to analyze potential drug interactions among COVID-19 patients. The research was retrospective, involving medical records from 100 patients selected through total sampling. Using the Lexicomp tool, researchers assessed potential interactions based on comprehensive medical records. Results showed a predominantly female patient group (59%), mainly aged 50-59 years (27%).  Hypertension was the most frequently encountered comorbidity (49%), with antiviral medications used by 61.80% of patients and antibiotics by 38.20%.  Approximately 62% of patients received more than five types of drug therapies (polypharmacy). Based on the severity of the disease, it was found that the predominant drug interactions were moderate (70.98%) and minor (19.42%). The conclusion of this study is the identification of potential drug interactions in COVID-19 patients with comorbidities. COVID-19, Interaksi obat, Komorbid, Polifarmasi


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How to Cite
Musnelina, L., Wulandari, A., & Rianty, I. (2024). Potential Drug Interactions in COVID-19 Patients with Comorbid Diseases. Sainstech Farma: Jurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian, 17(2), 45-50. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.37277/sfj.v17i2.1981