Formulasi Krim Antioksidan Tipe A/M Ekstrak Etil Asetat Limbah Kulit Buah Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) dengan Metode DPPH
Rambutan fruit peel contains phenolic chemical compound including geraniin and corilagin, which is a class of flavonoids, also elagic acid from tannin, which act as antioxidants and free radical scavengers. This study aimed to formulate a type water-in-oil (W/O) cream containing an ethyl acetate extract of rambutan peel and tested its antioxidant activity. The extraction of rambutan peel was carried out by maceration with an ethyl acetate solvent. The cream was made with a concentration of 5% rambutan peel extract, type W/O, and then its antioxidant activity was tested by the DPPH method using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Test for antioxidant activity in 5% cream of ethyl acetate extract of rambutan fruit peel was carried out at concentrations of 200, 100, 50, 25, and 12.5 ppm. The results showed that the organoleptic cream of ethyl acetate extract of rambutan fruit peel at 5% has a yellow-brown color, has a weak smell of rambutan peel, has characteristics that were not easily washed off with water, thick, and has a pH value of 5 (meets pH criteria) with water-in-oil cream type (W/O). The results of the antioxidant activity test of the ethyl acetate extract cream of rambutan peels had an IC50 value of 124.92 g/mL (moderate antioxidant category).References
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Hasan, H., Tamagola, M.I., & Mayasari, S. (2018). Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) sebagai Krim Antioksidan. JF FIK UINAM, 6(1), 10-14.
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Isnindar, Wahyuono, S., & Setyowati, E.P. (2011). Isolasi dan Identifikasi Senyawa Antioksidan Daun Kesemek (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) dengan Metode DPPH (2,2- difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil). Majalah Obat Tradisional, 16(3), 157-164.
Kusuma, I.M., Febriani, A., & Zahra, N. (2022). Aktivitas Antioksidan Krim Tipe MA Ekstrak Etil Asetat Kulit Buah Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.). Sainstech Farma, 15(2), 81-85.
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Nurisyah, Asyikin, A., & Cartika, H. (2020). Aktivitas Antioksidan Krim Ekstrak Etil Asetat Kulit Jeruk Nipis (Citrus aurantifolia) yang Ditetapkan dengan Metode DPP. Media Farmasi, 16(2), 215-221.
Puspita, G., Sugihartini, N., Wahyuningsih, I. (2020). Formulasi Sediaan Krim A/M Dengan Variasi Konsentrasi Ekstrak Etanol Daging Buah Pepaya (Carica Papaya) Menggunakan Emulgator Tween 80 Dan Span 80. Media Farmasi, 16 (1). DOI:
Safitri, F.W., Syahreza, A., Farah, S., Satrio, M.C., & Hadi, I. (2016). Antioxidant Activities and Antioxidant Cream Formulation of Corn Silk (Zea mays L) Extract. Sains Medika, 7(2), 64-69.
Sambodo, D.K. dan Arlesia, N. (2019). Aktivitas Antioksidan Krim Kombinasi Ekstrak Eucheuma cottonii Sumbawa dan Ekstrak Citrus lemon L. dengan metode DPPH. Health Sciences and Pharmacy Journal, 3(1), 29-33.
Shovyana, H.H. & Zulkarnain, A.K. (2013). Stabilitas Fisik dan Aktivitas Krim w/o Ekstrak Etanolik Buah Mahkota Dewa (phaleria macrocarph(scheff.) Boerl,) Sebagai Tabir Surya. Traditional Medicine Journal, 18(2),109-117.
Suardana, I.M., Suhendra, L., & Wrasiati, L.P. (2020). Pengaruh Variasi Nilai Hydrophylic-lipophylic balance dan Suhu terhadap Karakteristik Sediaan Krim. Jurnal Rekayasa dan Manajemen Agroindustri, 8(2), 189-199.
Suryati, Lucida, H., & Dachriyanus. (2015). Formulation of Sunscreen Cream of Germanicol cinnamate from the Leaves of Tabat barito (Ficus deltoides Jack) and an Assay of its' Sun Protection Factor. Int. J. Pharm. Sci., 32(18), 104-107.
Verdiana, M.I., Widarta, W.R., & Permana, I.D. (2018). Pengaruh jenis pelarut pada ekstraksi menggunakan gelombang ultrasonik terhadap aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak kulit buah lemon (Citrus limon (linn.) burm f.). Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan 7(4), 213-222.
Winarsi, H. (2007). Antioksidan Alami dan Radikal Bebas. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.
How to Cite
Febriani, A., Kusuma, I., & Zahra, N. (2023). Formulasi Krim Antioksidan Tipe A/M Ekstrak Etil Asetat Limbah Kulit Buah Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) dengan Metode DPPH. Sainstech Farma: Jurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian, 16(1), 33-37.