Pengendalian Jalur Voice Dari VHF-ER Repeater Sibiru-Biru Menggunakan Mobile Communication

  • S El Yumin
  • Waginto Waginto
  • Masbah RT Siregar


As the main control desk ATC Medan Polonia airport is equipped with a flight transmitter controlregions placed in Sibiru Biru, as far as 24 km, which is connected to the main transmission via V-sat satelliteand back up using a radio link. Operations performed by V-sat Vendors can not necessarily guarantee compliance with the wishes of the airport and the response time of normal operation for a long time, 15 to 40 minutes. The response time was very annoying service airport, where the nature of the service to time on time. By developing an automated design of the control switches on the two lines according to SOP and includemobile communication management services (HP) that can be used by decision makers track the remote controlautomatically, it can be controlled anywhere without having to be on site. With a base Dual ToneMultifrequency (DTMF), a component that can either convert the numbers into digital data HP 4 bits, and so can be used as a source infromasi VHF-ER pathway control remotely. The response time of the switch is much smaller than the normal operation, less than 3 s. However, control by HP will be longer than this time because it is influenced by the time delay on the existing mobile communication systems, which are difficult to predict.