Prophylactic Antibiotic Use Profile of Caesarean Section in X Hospital West Java

  • Kurniatul Hasanah Fakultas Farmasi, ISTN
Keywords: Antibiotic Use Guidelines, Antimicrobial Stewardship, caesarean section, prophylactic antibiotic


Prophylactic antibiotics are antibiotics given before, during and up to 24 hours after surgery in cases where clinically there are no signs of infection with the aim of preventing surgical site infection. Caesarean Section (CS) prophylactic antibiotics are antibiotics given to prevent post-CS infections. This study aims to evaluate compliance of CS prophylactic antibiotics use with the Hospital X West Java’s Antibiotic Use Guidelines, especially regarding the use of CS prophylactic antibiotics. This research is descriptive quantitative with retrospective data collection. The subjects observed in this study were medical record documents and CS patient registration books at X Hospital in West Java on first semester of 2024. All of CS patient are inventarised that consist of patient and doctor identity and prophylactic antibiotics usage. The result was average of compliance with the selection and administration of prophylactic CS antibiotic doses according to Antibiotic Use Guidelines were 18.97% and 1.58%, compliance with the route of administering CS prophylactic antibiotic doses according to Antibiotic Use Guidelines was 100%, average of with administering CS prophylactic antibiotics 30-60 minutes before CS taken was 36.33% and average of single dose CS antibiotic prophylaxis given was 41.48%. Compliance with the use of CS prophylactic antibiotics at Hospital X West Java according to Antibiotic Use Guidelines was very poor.


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How to Cite
Hasanah, K. (2024). Prophylactic Antibiotic Use Profile of Caesarean Section in X Hospital West Java. Sainstech Farma: Jurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian, 17(2), 80-87.