JURNAL REKAYASA INFORMASI https://ejournal.istn.ac.id/index.php/rekayasainformasi <p>Jurnal Rekayasa Informasi dikelola oleh Program Studi Sistem Informasi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Informasi (FSTI) Institut Sains dan Teknologi Nasional (ISTN). Jurnal Ilmiah ini terbit dua kali dalam setahun yaitu di Bulan April dan Oktober. Jurnal Rekayasa Informasi <strong>e-ISSN 2685-8231 dan p-ISSN 2252-7354 yang&nbsp;</strong>sudah<strong> Terakreditasi SINTA-6.</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> PROGRAM STUDI SISTEM INFORMASI INSTITUT SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI NASIONAL (ISTN) en-US JURNAL REKAYASA INFORMASI 2252-7354 PEMODELAN APLIKASI LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (LMS) BAGI LEMBAGA KURSUS DAN PELATIHAN (LKP) https://ejournal.istn.ac.id/index.php/rekayasainformasi/article/view/2155 <p><em>The online learning model has now become an inseparable learning model for formal and non-formal educational institutions. Based on the results of observations and interviews conducted at several Course and Training Institutions (LKP) in Surakarta City, they are experiencing difficulties in creating and managing their own online classes. Some Learning Management Systems (LMS) such as Edmodo, Moodle and Shcoology do not provide the right features and needs for Course and Training Institutions (LKP), in fact to get some complete features you have to upgrade the subscription fee which is quite expensive every month. The application modeling created uses Unified Modeling Language (UML). In the modeling process carried out by the researcher, five main models were produced in the LKP LMS application, namely Use Case Diagram, Activity Diagram, Sequence Diagram, Class Diagram and Deployment Diagram.</em></p> Riyan Abdul Aziz Mochamad Hari Purwidiantoro Sri Widiyanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 13 2 61 66 10.37277/jri.v13i2.2155 ANALISIS KEUNTUNGAN WEB CONSOLE DAN TERMINAL CLI DENGAN METODE IT-IL V3 https://ejournal.istn.ac.id/index.php/rekayasainformasi/article/view/2159 <p>System<em> administration on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) involves the use of two main graphical interface (GUI) approaches through the web console and Command Line Interface (CLI) through the terminal. This research analyzes the benefits of both types of system administration approaches on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) from web browsers. Using the IT-IL V3 method provides guidance on how to plan, implement, and manage IT services effectively, focusing on service quality, cost savings, and risk management. The GUI web console provides more intuitive and visual system management through a web browser, while the CLI terminal offers greater flexibility and control through the use of command lines. This flexibility allows administrators to automate routine tasks, perform complex system debugs, and customize settings to suit their organization's specific needs. In the context of security management, the GUI web console can provide a more visual understanding of SELinux settings and security policy management, while the CLI provides direct access to commands such as set hundred and setenforce required for further adjustment and troubleshooting. The results of this research show that apart from graphics and text, the difference lies in adapting to the needs of a complex and effective administrative system.</em></p> Jeffri Prayitno Bangkit Saputra Shodiq Khalidy Retno Waluyo Nurul Hani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 13 2 67 74 10.37277/jri.v13i2.2159 SENTIMEN ANALYSIS OF BBM PRICES BASED ON FACEBOOK USER COMMENTS USING THE LEXICON METHOD (CASE STUDY OF THE INDONESIAN VOA PAGE ) https://ejournal.istn.ac.id/index.php/rekayasainformasi/article/view/2167 <p><em>Facebook is a networking site that can be used as a place to give opinions on current issues. One of them is the issue of rising fuel prices in September 2022. Increasing fuel prices has always been a polemic among the people. This study aims to determine the sentiment on the issue using the lexicon method. The lexicon method is a way of classifying sentiment into three classes: negative, positive, and neutral. The results of this study are negative sentiment with a total of 649 lines of data and a percentage of 53.81%, positive sentiment with 344 lines and a percentage of 28.52%, and neutral sentiment with 213 lines and a percentage of 17.7%.</em> <em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords: </strong>Facebook, BBM, Anslysis Sentiment, Lexicon</em></p> Nabialtul Arofah Aryo Nur Utomo ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 13 2 75 82 PERANCANGAN PROTOTYPE USER INTERFACE APLIKASI MOBILE TOKO KUE AZEL MENGGUNAKAN METODE DESIGN THINKING https://ejournal.istn.ac.id/index.php/rekayasainformasi/article/view/2166 <p><em>Azel Cake Shop is a food business that promotes and sells its products still utilizing limited information technology media, namely via WhatsApp social media, This causes promotion and sales to not be optimal so that consumer reach does not meet expectations.</em><em>With the creation of the User Interface and User Experience of the Azel Cake Shop mobile application with Prototype-based to help cake shop owners market their products widely, provide information about available products or pre orders¸ and can help consumers to buy cakes easily through the application. UI/UX design based on mobile applications for Azel Cake Shop with Prototype using Design Thinking Method.. </em><em>The five stages of the Design Thinking Method are: </em><em>Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, dan testing. </em><em>At this prototyping stage, the mobile application design will be displayed in wireframe form. Next, test the prototype using Maze with five tasks and five feedback. Based on the test results using Maze, it shows that the application that has been created can be used/accessed well with the features available in the application. his means that there are no tasks that are difficult to do. In this way, the prototyping of the Azel Cake Shop mobile application can help consumers to buy cakes easily and efficiently and can be used as promotional media.</em><em>&nbsp;</em>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>Keywords: Prototype. Mobule </em><em>Application, Design Thinking, UI/UX.</em><em> Design.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Masimbangan Sabarina Harlina Eel Susilowati Suharni - Masimbangan Susana Herawati Azzalia Zahra Zamzani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 13 2 83 96 FACTORS HINDERING THE USE OF E-LEARNING https://ejournal.istn.ac.id/index.php/rekayasainformasi/article/view/2169 <p><em>Many people are accustomed to learning in the classroom, learning that does not require physical space or learning online is a new thing for students, both students and students, this certainly requires time to get used to carrying out the learning process online. One of the main aspects that influences the shift from face-to-face learning (offline/traditional) to online learning (online) is communication. The teaching model that is implemented traditionally means that the learning process is carried out face-to-face, where students and educators carry out the learning process in the classroom with a predetermined schedule. Educators who are known as teachers must do their best to ensure the effectiveness of the same communication in online learning. This study aims to determine the inhibiting factors for the use of e-learning in Higher Education, especially in one of the Private Higher Education located in the Bekasi area, West Java, 80 respondents with profiles (age, gender, education, study program, devices used, frequency of use, internet access location, duration of internet use, e-learning platform, frequency of internet use, duration of e-learning use). The output results show that the characteristics ​​of the respondents who dominate are Age 18-24 years (55), Female gender (42), Bachelor's degree education (100), English study program (69), Devices used Laptops and Smartphones (63), Daily device use (76), length of computer use 4-8 years (32), internet access places are Home, Campus and Public Access (51), length of internet use &gt;8 years (47), Google Meet e-learning platform (58), while the inhibiting factors for the use of e-learning are internet limitations (39), internet network (19), system applications (14), learning content (8), then a solution has been provided to become one of the supporting factors for success in the use of e-learning technology </em><em>(Siti Nurmiati A. S., 2019)</em><em>(Nurmiati et al., 2020)</em></p> Siti Nurmiati Rusli Rusli ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 13 2 97 105 10.37277/jri.v13i2.2169 DESIGN AND BUILD A BADMINTON COURT BOOKING APPLICATION AT GOR IBNU MANDIRI https://ejournal.istn.ac.id/index.php/rekayasainformasi/article/view/2172 <p>In line with the increasing interest in playing badminton, Gor Ibnu Mandiri is faced with the management <br>of field reservations that still use manual methods where this process will cause potential schedule <br>conflicts. The purpose of this thesis is to produce a badminton field reservation application to improve <br>efficiency and accuracy in making reservations. The type of method used is the waterfall method. The <br>design of this application is carried out based on the waterfall method which includes needs analysis, <br>system design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. At the needs analysis stage, user needs and <br>software are identified and as much information is collected as possible. While the system design stage <br>involves designing the application architecture and user interface. Implementation is carried out by <br>coding the application according to the previous design needs. The results of the study show that a well<br>designed application can automate the field reservation process. This application allows users to make <br>reservations online, view field schedules, and pay digitally. In addition, this application increases user <br>satisfaction and reduces scheduling errors. The waterfall method ensures the quality and stability of the <br>application by making the application development process well organized and structured.</p> Muhammad Ibnu Afan Fuadi Marhaeni Marhaeni ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 13 2 106 115 10.37277/jri.v13i2.2172 PENGARUH CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, UKURAN PERUSAHAAN DAN PERTUMBUHAN PENJUALAN TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Sektor Industri Barang Konsumsi yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada Tahun 2016-2020) https://ejournal.istn.ac.id/index.php/rekayasainformasi/article/view/2173 <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>A</strong><strong>B</strong><strong>S</strong><strong>T</strong><strong>RAC</strong><strong>T</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This study aims to analyze whether there is an influence of corporate social responsibility, company size, and sales growth on company value. The population in this study is manufacturing companies in the consumer goods industry sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sampling technique was purposive sampling and the sample used consisted of 155 companies in the observation period 2016-2020. The type of data in this study is secondary data using data from financial reports. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis and the data is processed using the SPSS program version 23.0. The results of this study indicate that corporate social responsibility does not affect company value, and sales growth does not affect company value. While company size has a positive effect on company value.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Keyword : &nbsp;<em>Corporate Social Responsibility, Company Size, Sales Growth</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Dipateruna Teruna Awaludin Hasanudin Hasanudin Padri Achyarsyah Rizma Wulandari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 13 2 116 127 ANALISIS SENTIMEN TERHADAP PHASE 4 MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE (MCU) BERDASARKAN OPINI PENGGUNA APLIKASI TWITTER DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE LEXICON https://ejournal.istn.ac.id/index.php/rekayasainformasi/article/view/2181 <p>Twitter adalah sebuah aplikasi media social yang berguna untuk memberikan sebuah opini pada hal-hal yang sedang terjadi atau trending. Salah satu topiknya adalah pengguna twitter mencurahkan kekecewaannya terhadap proyek Phase 4 MCU yang di produksi oleh Marvel Studios. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sentiment pada topik tersebut menggunakan metode lexicon. Metode lexicon adalah metode yang mengklasifikasi sentiment menjadi tiga kelas yaitu, sentimen negatif, sentimen positif ,dan sentimen netral. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sentimen negative sebesar 373 opini dengan persentase 42,53%, sentimen positif sebesar 251 opini dengan persentase 28,52%, sentimen netral sebesar 253 opini dengan persentase 28,84%.</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci : </strong><em>Twitter, MCU, Phase 4, Analisis Sentiemn, Lexicon</em></p> Wisnu Rizky Pradana Siti Madinah Ladjamuddin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 13 2 128 136 10.37277/jri.v13i2.2181