• Nataya Charoonsri Rizani
  • Razul Harfi
  • Erika Erika


ABSTRACT   Mental workload is one of the factors that affect worker productivity. In cognitive ergonomics, the process of thinking and making decisions in completing work is related to the ability of workers to complete their work. This study aims to see the relationship between mental workload and productivity with the object of workers  in the expedition service sector. Data collection instruments for mental workload were collected through the NASA TLX questionnaire and productivity data were obtained from performance data. Data were analysed using Pearson correlation. The results of the analysis showed that the average NASA-TLX score of workers was 72.5, indicating a high level of mental workload. The average productivity was 85% of the daily work target. Pearson correlation analysis showed a significant negative relationship between mental workload and productivity (r = -0.62, p < 0.01).   Keywords: mental workload, NASA TLX, productivity, Pearson correlation


Nataya Charoonsri Rizani
ABSTRACT   Mental workload is one of the factors that affect worker productivity. In cognitive ergonomics, the process of thinking and making decisions in completing work is related to the ability of workers to complete their work. This study aims to see the relationship between mental workload and productivity with the object of workers  in the expedition service sector. Data collection instruments for mental workload were collected through the NASA TLX questionnaire and productivity data were obtained from performance data. Data were analysed using Pearson correlation. The results of the analysis showed that the average NASA-TLX score of workers was 72.5, indicating a high level of mental workload. The average productivity was 85% of the daily work target. Pearson correlation analysis showed a significant negative relationship between mental workload and productivity (r = -0.62, p < 0.01).   Keywords: mental workload, NASA TLX, productivity, Pearson correlation