Incomtech <p>Incomtech Journal is a journal managed by the Informatics Study Program, Faculty of Information Science and Technology (FSTI), National Institute of Science and Technology (ISTN). This journal is published twice a year. This journal contains articles related to Information Technology, Communication, Computer Networks, Information Technology Security, Computer Vision, Computer Multimedia &amp; Games, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Software Engineering.</p> en-US (Aryo Nur Utomo, ST, M.Kom) (Siti Madinah L, S.Kom, M.Kom) Sat, 30 Dec 2023 04:20:22 +0000 OJS 60 Android Augmented Reality Based Borobudur 3d Animation Application Design Using Marker Based Traking Method <p>A history is an event that happened in the past thatwas compiled based on convincing evidence and obtained through scientific research and testing. One example of the problem found is the lack of historical learning by visitors to the Borobudur temple in understanding or obtaining information about the reliefs of the Borobudur temple. Based on the description above, the researcher raised the title "3D animation application for Jataka relief stories based on Android Augmented Reality with the Marker Based Tracking method". The AR application to help learn the history of the reliefs of the Borobudur temple packaged in 3D animation. Based on the results of application development using the method namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation, the AR application is obtained to help learn about the history of the reliefs of the Borobudur temple. This is proven through tests and questionnaires on visitors and archaeologists at the Borobudur temple conservation center. Based on the results of visitor and archaeologist questionnaires, it can be seen that the classification is feasible in various aspects contained in the questionnaire. With this application, visitors can increase their interest in knowing the history of the temple reliefs, and add insight into the reliefs of the Borobudur temple. customers<br>Keywords : Augmented Reality, 3D Animation, Android ,Borobudur temple.</p> Denny Chandra Darmawansya, Siti Madinah Ladjamuddin ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 DESIGNING CUSTOMER SERVICE INFORMATION SYSTEM AT PT. WEBSITE-BASED MEDIA SHARING CENTER <p>A Customer Service System is a platform designed to provide a superior service experience to customers of a company or organization. PT. Media Shaing Center is one of the companies engaged in ISP (Internet Service Provider) services, to provide the best service, use professional workers, commit to high work standards, show quality service products, foster good communication to all customers one of the missions and goals of the company. PT Media Sharing Center still has obstacles in it, one of which is the problem of sub-optimal customer registration and billing. The current customer service process still uses paper and Personal Chat whatsapp only, namely the registration process which is still manual using paper and pen and customer billing which still uses personal chat with the whatsapp application so that customer service is not efficient and less optimal. So the application of a website-based customer service system to the customer service system is needed so that the service in the company can run well and optimally, besides that it can save time in the process, because computer systems can do work that is fast, precise and accurate in processing data so that there is no need to spend more energy and time. In order to support this research, the analysis method used is E-CRM (Electronic Customer Relationship Management) and model design using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) so as to get a service system that is still manual and has not provided an effective and efficient system. Therefore, a website-based system is needed that can assist in registering and billing customers to be more effective and efficient.<br>Keywords : Website Customer Service System, Information System, PT. Media Sharing Center</p> Denny Andwiyan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 DESIGNING WEB FILTERING WITH THE FIREWALL FILTER RULES METHOD ON THE PT. CORE PRIMA PACKAGE BASED ON MIKROTIK ROUTEROS <p>Computer networks have two data transmission media, namely using wired media and wireless media. Wireless networks are more vulnerable to the threat of attack compared to wired networks, because the communication that occurs on wireless networks is open. A good network security system is needed to be able to maintain the security of network user data to avoid attacks made by irresponsible parties. This thesis discusses the design of a network security system using Firewall filter rules technology on a MikroTik RouterOS-based wireless network. This thesis aims to protect the user's system from threats or initial attacks and to restrict and filter user access rights to content or sites that have the potential to harm the user's system when accessing wireless networks.<br>Keywords : Network Security, Wireless Network, Firewall, filter rules, MikroTik RouterOS</p> Ari Mulyana, Andi Suprianto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 SERVICE INFORMATION SYSTEM DESIGN COMMUNITY ADMINISTRATION IN KELURAHAN KARANG TIMUR TANGERANG CITY <p>Kelurahan karang timur provides many types of services to the community ranging from KTP cover letter services, family cards, death certificates, birth certificates and other cover letters. Data collection The service system that is currently running in Kelurahan Karang Timur is still carried out manually by means of residents who need cover letter services must come to the Kelurahan Karang Timur office, this system will take time where they have to queue with other residents, and if the file requirements are lacking or incomplete, it cannot be taken care of by the Kelurahan, this will waste time because there is no clear information about the requirements to residents. This system aims to help residents make it easier to take care of administrative services. This research produces an administrative service system by having features of citizen data forms, KTP submission data forms, KK, Moving in and moving away. This research uses the PIECES analysis method, RAD system development method, system design design using UML and system testing using blackbox testing. The system is created using PHP programming language and Mysql database.<br>Keywords : Services, administration, villages, citizens, PHP.</p> Suhada Suhada ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 MACHINE LEARNING IN INDONESIAN INFLATION DATA ANALYSIS USING LOGISTIC REGRESSION METHOD <p>Inflation means a tendency to increase the prices of goods and services in general which continues continuously. If the prices of goods and services are higher in the country, then inflation increases. An increase in the price of goods and services also causes a decrease in the value of money. This research aims to analyze inflation data using machine learning with the logistic regression method as an algorithm in determining the rise and fall of inflation values in Indonesia. The results of the analysis show that the inflation value during 2020 to 2022 experienced a fairly high accuracy value of 75%. This proves that inflation is predicted to increase, the data was taken from monthly samples for these 3 years.<br>Keywords : Inflation, Machine Learning, Logistic Regression Analysis</p> Nadia Armelia Amanda, Marhaeni Marhaeni ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Design An Android-Based Attendance Information System Application At Pt Jala Niaga Elok <p>Based on the analysis carried out, the existing absenteeism at PT. Jala Niaga Elok uses fingerprints. However, the use of fingerprint machines also faces a number of obstacles, such as the inability to read employee fingerprints, especially if the employee's fingers are wet, injured, or exposed to dust. Apart from that, sometimes there are problems when the machine cannot be used and is replaced with signature paper. Therefore, the aim of this research is to change the attendance system to digital. To change the system into a digital system, it is necessary to utilize the internet network. And this system will implement an Android smartphone-based online attendance system to make employee attendance easier and faster. By utilizing the internet network, it is hoped that the attendance system used by employees will become easier and more structured. With an online attendance system, employees and companies will be helped with attendance issues and making reports will be easier and neater. In this research there are 3 (three) main problems, 3 (three) research objectives, 3 (three) research benefits. It also explains the relevant data collection methods, including the observation method, literature study used, and the SWOT analysis method. And UML is explained to describe the running system and the design of the prototype that will be built. The author obtained research results that the online attendance system can be used as an alternative problem solving in optimizing the existing attendance system in the company, so that employees and the company will be comfortable in carrying out attendance and reporting related to company data.<br>Keywords : Presence, Android, SWOT</p> Dedy Iskandar, Ricat Palindo, Tiara Afrina ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 DESIGN AND BLOCK SOCIAL MEDIA URLS USING MIKROTIK BASED TIME SCHEDULING SYSTEM AT SMK AL BAROKAH SUKABUMI <p>In this study, a new network topology and a system that blocks social media sites during practicum learning hours automatically, blocking is carried out on Monday to Friday at 09 - 00 to 15 - 00 so that practicum learning time is carried out effectively and efficiently. To overcome these problems, a new computer network topology system will be designed and block social media URLs using the scheduling system time on Mikrotik OS. So that students can be limited to accessing social media sites so that they cannot be opened and can increase concentration during practicum learning.<br>Keywords : blocking, network, mikrotik, social media, topology</p> Muhammad Janualdi Ramadhan, Aryo Nur Utomo ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Development Of News Portal Cms System (Chatnews) Using Go Language At Pt. Ice Messenger Indonesia <p>Technological developments are increasing rapidly to date with the development of technologies that support it. One of the technologies that supports technological development is Application Programming Interface (API) technology. In building a website, a simple and attractive appearance is needed in order to create a user-friendly appearance for visitors so that users are expected to support the success of information systems that can produce a level of satisfaction for information system users. And the use of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) has grown tremendously since they were first introduced in the 2000s. APIs allow various applications and systems to communicate and interact with each other, which has increased the efficiency, productivity, and functionality of existing applications and systems. One of the main factors in the development of APIs is the need for better application integration. By using the PIECES analysis method (Performance, Information, Economic, Control, Efficiency, and Service), and the flow analysis method uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML). For Implementation The design of the system development uses Go Language and Mongodb for the database. For this reason, the authors suggest that the system use Go Language And Fiber Framework so that the system can be developed easily, and also quickly.<br>Keywords : [Golang, Mongodb, Chatnews, Fiber]</p> Ajay Supriadi, Martono Martono ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 REMOTE COMMAND OF LIGHTS BY USING TELEGRAM <p>Lamps as lighting aids that make it easier for humans to see and carry out daily activities. However, the use of uncontrolled lights can be an inefficient thing, to maximize the use of lights, a remote light control design is made, with the hope of getting the results of a remote light control design. The design of controlling the use of remote lights uses telegrams and the use of NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontrollers and sound sensors.<br>Keywords : Sound Sensor, Light Sensor, NodeMCU ESP8266, Telegram</p> Siti Nurmiati, Muhammad Diki Ikhsanudin ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Maintenance Service System Design With It Support Helpdesk Case Study Of Smk Bina Amma'mur <p>SMK Bina Amma'mur has a section in charge of taking care of computers ranging from computer hardware repair and computer software repair, namely the IT helpdesk section. Currently, the process of informing computer repairs that are currently running is still carried out by means of teachers or staff asking for help from the Information Technology department by meeting directly to check problems that occur on computers or laptops, then the IT helpdesk will send a team of technicians to solve the reported problems, if it has been completed, it will be reported back to the IT helpdesk to note that computer repair requests have been made. After checking the problem that occurs on the computer or laptop then the IT department will record the problem in the general ledger and will notify the teacher or staff when it has been resolved via whatsapp media. However, the handling of problems that are running is still not good because the process of recording repair results is still manual so that it affects the performance of the IT department. This can have a negative impact, namely there are problems recording data repeatedly, the process of searching for computer repair data takes a long time because you have to search one by one for repair request data in books, there are often errors in making reports so that the reports made are not the same as the computer repair process. This research resulted in an IT helpdesk system that aims to help the IT department manage IT helpdesk data better. This research uses the PIECES analysis method, design using UML and blackbox testing system. The IT Helpdesk system is created using PHP programming language and MySQL database.<br>Keywords : IT Helpdesk, Hardware, Software, Computer, PHP, Mysql.</p> Sugina Sugina ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000