Application of Web-Based Document Filing System at Sma Islamic Center

  • Ajay Supriadi Program Studi Majemen Informatika , Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Raharja
  • Dicky Yolanda Program Studi Majemen Informatika , Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Raharja
  • Qurotul Ainiya Program Studi Majemen Informatika , Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Raharja


Document archiving is a document retention process performed by a related agency and it is understood that the archive contains data or information needed by every person or group of people for the purpose of execution of tasks, functions and work within an agency, as well as at SMA Islamic Center where document archiving is required to store school data, and document archiving at SMA Islamic Center currently keeps documents in the cabinet and records documents that are included in the archive, the storage made makes it difficult to find and often the loss or destruction of documents, to that web application can be a solution to the problem of archiving documents, the purpose of using web applications is to make better document archiving in document storage. In this research using several data collection methods such as observation, interview, and literature study, analytical methods such as SWOT analysis, UML design method and prototype, and blackbox testing testing methods. It is expected that with the creation of web-based document archiving applications can help the school in filing documents.Keywords: archiving, system, documents, web applications