• Sugina Sugina Program Studi Majamen Ritel , Fakultas Bisnis dan Ekonomi Universitas Raharja


The rapid development of science and technology, the advancement of technology is also increasing. And the implementation of the teaching and learning process to enable students ' learning is not easy, because in each learning method there are certain obstacles. One of the obstacles faced by the teacher is the lack of interest in learning from students so that students become lazy and saturated in learning activities and learning difficulties in the XI class that are in field work practice (PKL) in following the learning. Learning in SMK Kusuma Bangsa during the process of learning teaching between students and teachers can only be done on the condition of meeting between students and teachers in the classroom. If learning is still conventional then automatically the learning process will be hampered because of the limited learning time. This research aims to help students learn because there are several functions such as downloading material, doing exercises, exams and can communicate directly with the teacher through discussion forum, so that students no longer need to learn in a conventional way because all the data needed by the students are provided. The current growing method is e-learning. Using data analysis methods in the form of SWOT analysis and object-oriented system analysis using UML approach, this research generates an application that can be used to help facilitate the learning process, do not have to meet face to face or come directly to the school to practice problems and tutoring learning but can use this online based system outside the school environment. For programs use the PHP, framework Codeigniter 3 and MySQL programming language for the database. Keywords : learning, research, e-learning.