Development Of News Portal Cms System (Chatnews) Using Go Language At Pt. Ice Messenger Indonesia
Technological developments are increasing rapidly to date with the development of technologies that support it. One of the technologies that supports technological development is Application Programming Interface (API) technology. In building a website, a simple and attractive appearance is needed in order to create a user-friendly appearance for visitors so that users are expected to support the success of information systems that can produce a level of satisfaction for information system users. And the use of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) has grown tremendously since they were first introduced in the 2000s. APIs allow various applications and systems to communicate and interact with each other, which has increased the efficiency, productivity, and functionality of existing applications and systems. One of the main factors in the development of APIs is the need for better application integration. By using the PIECES analysis method (Performance, Information, Economic, Control, Efficiency, and Service), and the flow analysis method uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML). For Implementation The design of the system development uses Go Language and Mongodb for the database. For this reason, the authors suggest that the system use Go Language And Fiber Framework so that the system can be developed easily, and also quickly.Keywords : [Golang, Mongodb, Chatnews, Fiber]