Design An Android-Based Attendance Information System Application At Pt Jala Niaga Elok

  • Dedy Iskandar Program Studi Sistem Informatika , Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Raharja
  • Ricat Palindo Program Studi Sistem Informatika , Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Raharja
  • Tiara Afrina Program Studi Sistem Informatika , Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Raharja


Based on the analysis carried out, the existing absenteeism at PT. Jala Niaga Elok uses fingerprints. However, the use of fingerprint machines also faces a number of obstacles, such as the inability to read employee fingerprints, especially if the employee's fingers are wet, injured, or exposed to dust. Apart from that, sometimes there are problems when the machine cannot be used and is replaced with signature paper. Therefore, the aim of this research is to change the attendance system to digital. To change the system into a digital system, it is necessary to utilize the internet network. And this system will implement an Android smartphone-based online attendance system to make employee attendance easier and faster. By utilizing the internet network, it is hoped that the attendance system used by employees will become easier and more structured. With an online attendance system, employees and companies will be helped with attendance issues and making reports will be easier and neater. In this research there are 3 (three) main problems, 3 (three) research objectives, 3 (three) research benefits. It also explains the relevant data collection methods, including the observation method, literature study used, and the SWOT analysis method. And UML is explained to describe the running system and the design of the prototype that will be built. The author obtained research results that the online attendance system can be used as an alternative problem solving in optimizing the existing attendance system in the company, so that employees and the company will be comfortable in carrying out attendance and reporting related to company data.Keywords : Presence, Android, SWOT