THE IDENTIFICATION OF PEDESTRIAN PATH ON JAGAKARSA HIGHWAY (Case Study: Jalan Raya Jagakarsa No.3 Rt.03/Rw.01, Lenteng Agung, Kec. Jagakarsa, South Jakarta 12630)
Jagakarsa highway as a trading area in South Jakarta, especially in Lenteng Agung, has a high density of activities. In addition to vehicle traffic, the convenience of pedestrian paths is an aspect that needs to be considered in urban spatial planning. Pedestrian facilities are one of the important things that aim for the convenience of pedestrian path users. This study aims to identify pedestrian facilities on Jalan Raya Jagakarsa using applicable standards. The method used in the research is a descriptive qualitative method through field observation to observe and identify the condition of pedestrian facilities on Jalan Raya Jagakarsa. The discussion was conducted by comparing the existing conditions with the applicable pedestrian path standards. The results showed that the condition of pedestrian facilities in the Jalan Raya Jagakarsa area has not met the applicable pedestrian path standards. Some of the problems found are the mismatch of pedestrian route utilization, the unavailability of facilities, and the lack of facilities for the disabled. This certainly affects pedestrian comfort, which is an important aspect in urban spatial planning. The results of this study are expected to be an evaluation and input for planning in the Jalan Raya Jagakarsa area.
How to Cite
Fajrin Ghassani, A., Rachima Nazir, I., & Saputra, R. (2023). THE IDENTIFICATION OF PEDESTRIAN PATH ON JAGAKARSA HIGHWAY (Case Study: Jalan Raya Jagakarsa No.3 Rt.03/Rw.01, Lenteng Agung, Kec. Jagakarsa, South Jakarta 12630). TRAVE, 27(2), 12-22. Retrieved from